
Getting Out of Poverty

woman standing under bridge
I became a birthparent because my two children and I were abandoned by my husband. I’ve been homeless ever since. I finally landed at a two-year, affordable housing program that helps single mothers. I became a birthparent because I couldn’t stop mourning the brokenness of my family and what this meant for my smallest child. I made a deal with myself that I would only consider adoption if I could find a family that met all my requirements. Through my agency’s website, I read many profiles. The only profile I liked belonged to a couple from Oregon. I’m across the country. Getting to know them confirmed my decision. I was also introduced to several amazing coordinators at my agency.

All of them encouraged me and helped me through all the questions, fears, doubts, and opposition I faced from my family and friends. In the end, I feel blessed that my daughter is with her new family. They are wonderful parents and I’m confident that I made the right decision.

As a victim of domestic violence, I was isolated, assaulted, ridiculed, and treated as an object. All my hopes and dreams were crushed because I was made to believe that I was worthless, useless, and stupid. As a survivor, I have come to learn that I was believing lies. My value is not relative to the judgments of evil people, but instead, I am innately valuable because I am a human being made in the image of God. I have discovered that I can learn, grow, and mature into a confident and capable person. What does my education mean to me and my family? I find university to be a safe and healing environment for me. At university, I am beginning to realize my hopes and dreams. I am proving to myself that I’m not worthless, useless, or stupid. I am making SMART goals and I am achieving them. I’m finding that I have a lot to offer my family, friends, and society.

My goals for the future are twofold. The first is to get out of poverty and off welfare. I want to be able to make a living wage so that I can provide a home for my daughter and me. My second goal be part of the solution to end domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking and to help survivors. Receiving this scholarship will positively impact my life because it will help me to focus more on my goals, my family, my studies, and my volunteer work and less on my finances. It is scholarships like these that help me and encourage me to continue my journey.

– 2022 Scholarship Recipient